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Innovative 'mymaternity' app helps monitor blood pressure and glucose from home during pregnancy benefitting pregnant women in Greater Manchester
Jenny Myers (Corresponding participant)
Impact: Health and wellbeing, Technological
In Place of War (IPOW) - Supporting, developing and promoting artists from conflict zones: from responsive research to internationally significant arts organisation
Thompson, J. (Participant), Jeffers, A. (Participant) & Hughes, J. (Participant)
Impact: Awareness and understanding, Economic, Society and culture
Intelligent Pricing Decision Support Systems
Zeng, X. (Participant) & Cassaigne, N. (Participant)
Impact: Economic, Society and culture
Interculturalising TESOL
Fay, R. (Participant)
Impact: Attitudes and behaviours, Awareness and understanding, Society and culture
Interculturalising the university
Fay, R. (Participant)
Impact: Attitudes and behaviours, Awareness and understanding, Health and wellbeing, Society and culture
Intercultural musicking and klezmer in the community: Intercultural awareness, and well-being
Fay, R. (Participant) & Mawson, D. J. (Participant)
International Peace Institute's Policy Forum: Resilient Social Contracts and Sustaining Peace
Ramovic, J. (Participant)
Impact: Political impacts
Interview for Romain Clément's documentary on the maquis in the Ain department during the Second World War ("Résistance : le maquis de l'Ain", RMC Découverte, 2019).
Balu, R. (Participant)
Impact: Cultural impacts
Invited presentation for the Royal College of General Practitioners Secure Environments Group
Forsyth, K. (Participant)
Impact: Awareness and understanding
Invited speaker at the EU Social Situation Monitor seminar, European Commission: Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion.
Savoia, A. (Collaborator)
Impact: Economic, Policy
ISO 532-3: Loudness model
Schlittenlacher, J. (Corresponding participant)
Impact: Health and wellbeing
Isothermal Compressed Air Energy Storage
Mahmoudi Larimi, Y. (Participant), Iacovides, H. (Participant) & Lanzon, A. (Participant)
Impact: Technological, Economic, Environmental
Jam and Justice: shaping policy through co-production
Richardson, L. (Participant)
Impact: Political impacts, Societal impacts
Jodrell Bank astronomy research inspires millions of people from a wide range of backgrounds to be more engaged with science
O'Brien, T. (Participant), Beswick, R. (Participant), Breton, R. (Participant), Dickinson, C. (Participant), Garrington, S. (Participant) & Kramer, M. (Participant)
Impact: Economic, Attitudes and behaviours, Awareness and understanding
Ketso: Creative Engagement and Participatory Planning
Tippett, J. (Participant)
Impact: Societal impacts
Ketso: improving professional practice and participation by embedding research findings into a physical toolkit
Tippett, J. (Participant)
Impact: Environmental impacts, Societal impacts, Attitudes and behaviours, Health and wellbeing
Knowledge Intensive Business Services (KIBS) as Innovators and Catalysts of Innovation in ‘Systems of Innovation
Ian Miles (Participant)
Impact: Economic impacts, Societal impacts
La maison 'Spears': quand l'hôpital trouble le genre’, French National Army Museum, Invalides, Paris.
Laure Humbert (Participant)
Impact: Cultural impacts
Laser Cleaning for Aerospace Manufacturing
Li, L. (Participant), (Participant), Whitehead, D. (Participant), (Participant), Wuo, W. (Participant), (Participant) & (Participant)
Impact: Economic, Technological
Learning from LGBTIQ+ experiences of COVID-19 in the UK and Brazil for more inclusive crisis strategies.
Billy Haworth (Participant)