$K$-theory, chamber homology and base change for the \lowercase{p}-adic groups $SL(2)$, $GL(1)$ and $GL(2)$.

  • Wemedh Aeal

Student thesis: Phd


The thrust of this thesis is to describe base change $BC_{E/F}$ at the level of chamber homology and K-theory for some \lowercase{p}-adic groups, such as $SL(2, F)$, $GL(1, F)$ and $GL(2, F)$. Here $F$ is a non-archimedean local field and $E$ is a Galois extension of $F$. We have had to master the representation theory of $SL(2)$ and $GL(2)$ including the Langlands parameters.\newline\indent The main result is an explicit computation of the effect of base change on the chamber homology groups, each of which is constructed from cycles. This will have an important connection with the Baum-Connes correspondence for such p-adic groups. This thesis involved the arithmetic of fields such as $E$ and $F$, geometry of trees, the homology groups and the Weil group $\mathcal{W}_{F}$.
Date of Award1 Aug 2012
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • The University of Manchester
SupervisorRoger Plymen (Supervisor) & Peter Rowley (Supervisor)


  • Representation Theory.
  • Algebraic Topology.
  • Base Change.
  • Number Theory.
  • Non-Commutative Geometry.
  • K-Theory.
  • Chamber Homology.

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