Living with Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder and Premenstrual Syndrome: A Qualitative Exploration

  • Danielle Brown

Student thesis: Doctor of Clinical Psychology


This thesis explored the lived experiences of women with Premenstrual Disorders (PMDs), including Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder and Premenstrual Syndrome. Mixed methods were used and are presented as three papers. The literature view (Paper 1) was a systematic review and thematic synthesis, aiming to explore the psychological impact of PMDs and women's perceived support needs. Seventeen papers were included within the review, synthesising the voices of 479 women, across 31years of research. Two main themes identified the life controlling nature of PMDs, and the subsequent impact on women's lives. PMDs were described as intense, life changing and lifecontrolling, women held the responsibility of managing their own condition, whilst advocating for their medical needs and developing coping strategies. The empirical paper (Paper 2) was the first to explore the prevalence of self-harm, suicidal thoughts and attempts in women with PMDD. Mixed methods were used to analyse multiple-choice survey data and semi-structured interviews. Over 3,600 women with PMDD completed an online survey, the results of which supported the development of a topic guide, which was used to interview 14 women with PMDD. Results showed that 47% of women had deliberately self-harmed, 85% had suicidal thoughts on one or more occasion, and 26% of had attempted to end their own life, during their luteal phase. Three main themes linked women's impaired relationships and time delays in accessing diagnosis and treatment with their damaged self-worth, and therefore suicidal behaviours. Paper 3 provides a critical evaluation and personal reflections from the author regarding the process of conducting a doctoral level thesis into premenstrual disorders. The strengths and limitations of the work were considered.
Date of Award31 Dec 2024
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • The University of Manchester
SupervisorAnja Wittkowski (Supervisor) & Debbie Smith (Supervisor)


  • menstrual cycle
  • women
  • women's health
  • mental health

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