Projects per year
Personal profile
Rank A (Peer-reviewed international journals)
Freitas, G. Manthilake, F. Schiavi, J. Chantel, N. Bolfan-Casanova, M. A. Bouhifd and Andrault .D. (2017) Experimental evidence supporting a global melt layer at the base of the Earth’s upper mantle. Nature Communications, Nature Publishing Group, 8 (1), 〈10.1038/s41467-017-02275-9〉. 〈hal-01679036〉
Freitas, J. Monteux, D. Andrault, G. Manthilake, A. Mathieu, F. Schiavi, N. Cluzel. (2021) Thermal conductivities of solid and molten silicates: implications for dynamos in Mercury-like proto-planets. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors.
Freitas D., Manthilake G., Chantel J., Bouhifd A., Andrault D. (2019). Simultaneous measurements of electrical conductivity and seismic wave velocity of partially molten geological materials: effect of evolving melt texture. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals DOI:10.1007/s00269-019-01021-5
Freitas, D and G. Manthilake (2019). Electrical conductivity of hydrous silicate melts: Implications for the dehydration melting at the 410-km discontinuity and bottom-up hydration of the Earth's upper mantle. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 523, 1–9. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2019.115712
M. Thaysen, I. Butler, A. Hassanpouryouzban, D. Freitas, F. Alvarez Borges, N. Heinemann, R.t Atwood, B. Humphreys, K. Edlmann (2022). Pore-scale imaging of hydrogen displacement and trapping in porous media. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy.
Rank B (International conferences)
Freitas. The Norse arsenal: game changing devices for in situ 4D µCT experiments with porous systems. Porous Media Tea Time Talk (online webinar) 2023:
Freitas, I. Butler, S. Elphick, J. Gilgannon, R. Rizzo, O. Plümper, J. Wheeler, C. Schlepütz, F. Marone and F. Fusseis. Heitt Mjolnir: an internally heated triaxial rock deformation apparatus for operando experiments at up to 573 K at Synchrotron imaging beamlines. The 6th Annual Workshop on Advances in X-ray Imaging: Expanding the Frontiers of Knowledge (1St poster prize).
Freitas, I. Butler, S. Elphick, J. Gilgannon, R. Rizzo, O. Plümper, J. Wheeler, C. Schlepütz, F. Marone and F. Fusseis. Heitt Mjolnir: an internally heated triaxial rock deformation apparatus for operando experiments at up to 573 K at Synchrotron imaging beamlines. EGU 2023., 2023.
Fusseis, F., Gilgannon, J., Jakob, A., Freitas, D., Rizzo, R., Butler, I.B. Emergent permeability in dehydrating rocks is controlled by the stress state and orientation. EGU 2023., 2023.
Gilgannon, D. Freitas, R. E. Rizzo, J. Wheeler, I. B Butler, S. Seth, F. Marone, C. Schlepütz, G. McGill, I. Watt, O. Plümper, L. Eberhard, H. Amiri, A. Chogani, F. Fusseis. A non-hydrostatic stress state forms fabrics during metamorphic reactions. EGU 2023.
Rizzo, D. Freitas, J. Gilgannon, S. Seth, I. Butler, J. Wheeler, F. Marone, C. Schlepütz., G. McGill, O. Plümper, F. Fusseis. Deep learning and chemical constraints allow more accurate segmentation of metamorphic rocks. EGU 2023., 2023.
Wheeler, F. Fusseis, R. Rizzo, D. Freitas, J. Gilgannon, B. Schwichtenberg, I. Butler, G. McGill. V53A-02 - Metamorphic Fabrics Produced by Stress Not Strain. AGU22.
Fusseis, I. B. Butler, D. Freitas, A. Cartwright-taylor, S. Elphick, E. Andò. 4-dimensional in-situ/in-operando µ-CT imaging of geological processes at elevated temperatures and pressures using x-rays. ICT22 (oral)
Wheeler J., Fusseis F., Rizzo R., Freitas D., Gilgannon J., Schwichtenberg B., Butler I, McGill G., Metamorphic Fabrics Produced By Stress Not Strain (AGU 2022, V53A-02, oral).
Freitas D., Butler I.B., Elphick S., Fusseis F. Roberto Rizzo R.E. Heitt Mjolnir: a heated miniature triaxial rock deformation apparatus for experiments up to 350C during 4D synchrotron X-ray (Microtomography Excite Workshop 2022 poster)
Fusseis F., Butler I B., Rizzo, R, Freitas D., Gilgannon J., Schlepütz C., Marone F. Operando 4D X-ray µCT reveals that a reacting, differentially stress rock develops an isotropic microstructure without strain. (Microtomography Excite Workshop 2022 poster)
Fusseis F., Butler I B., Rizzo, R, Freitas D., Gilgannon J., Schlepütz C., Marone F. Operando 4D X-ray µCT reveals that a reacting, differentially stress rock develops an isotropic microstructure without strain. (ICTMS 2022 Poster)
Freitas [et al.] Heitt Mjolnir: an internally heated miniature triaxial deformation apparatus for experiments with 4D synchrotron X-ray microtomography. (International Conference on Tomography of Materials and Structures 2022 / Oral)
Thaysen E.M., Butler I. B., Freitas D., Hassanpouryouzband A., Alvarez Borges F., Atwood R., Humphreys B., Edlmann K. Hydrogen flow through porous media. (International Conference on Tomography of Materials and Structures 2022 / Oral)
Freitas D., Rizzo R.E, Fusseis F., Butler I. B., Seth S., Wheeler J., Plumper O., Amiri H. S. Schlepütz C., Marone F., Ando E. Influence of pore fluid pressure and differential stress on gypsum dehydration and rock texture revealed by 4D synchrotron X-ray tomography (EGU 2022 / Oral / GMPV6.1)
Thaysen E.M., Butler I. B., Freitas D., Hassanpouryouzband A., Alvarez Borges F., Atwood R., Humphreys B., Edlmann K. Hydrogen recovery from porous media decreases with brine injection pressure and increases with brine flow rate. (EGU 2022 / Oral)
Fusseis, F., Butler, I. B., Freitas, D., Cartwright-Taylor, A., Elphick, S., & Andó, E. 4-dimensional in-situ/in-operando µ-CT imaging of geological processes at elevated temperatures and pressures using X-rays. (iCT 2022)
Freitas, J. Monteux, D. Andrault, G. Manthilake, A. Mathieu, F. Schiavi, N. Cluzel. Thermal conductivities of solid and molten silicates in Multi Anvil Apparatus (Angström method): implications for dynamos in Mercury-like proto-planets. International Workshop on "Development of multianvil technology and its applications to Earth and material sciences" 2021 (Oral).
Freitas, G. Manthilake, F. Schiavi, J. Chantel, N. Bolfan-Casanova, M. A. Bouhifd and Andrault D. Experimental evidence supporting a global melt layer at the base of the Earth’s upper mantle. EMPG XVI, June 2018, Clermont-Ferrand, France. (Oral, EMPG Student presentation award)
Freitas, G. Manthilake, F. Schiavi, J. Chantel, N. Bolfan-Casanova, M. A. Bouhifd and Andrault .D. Experimental evidence supporting a global melt layer at the base of the Earth’s upper mantle. AGU Fall meeting 2018, Washington DC, USA. (Oral, Invited)
Freitas, G. Manthilake, J. Chantel, M. A. Bouhifd, D. Andrault. Effect of melt content and the melt texture on sound wave velocity and electrical conductivity. Golschmidt, Aug 2017, Paris, France. 〈hal-01687647. (Oral)
Manthilake, D. Freitas, F. Schiavi, J. Chantel, N. Bolfan-Casanova, M. A. Bouhifd and Andrault .D. Experimental evidence supporting a global melt layer at the base of the Earth’s upper mantle. HPMPS 9, Sep 2017, Saint Malo, France. (Oral)
Manthilake, D. Freitas, F. Schiavi, J. Chantel, N. Bolfan-Casanova, M. A. Bouhifd and Andrault .D. Experimental evidence supporting a global melt layer at the base of the Earth’s upper mantle. International Symposium FY2017 Annual General Meeting, Mar 2018, Ehime, Japan. (Oral, Invited)
Rank C (National or regional conferences and press)
Damien Freitas, Geeth Manthilake, Julien Chantel, Denis Andrault. Mesures simultanées de conductivité électrique et de vitesse d'ondes sismiques de matériaux géologiques partiellement fondus à haute pression et haute température : implication pour la fraction de liquide silicaté dans l'asthénosphère. 10e forum de technologie des hautes pressions du CNRS, Oct 2016, La Londe les Maures, France. 〈hal-01687672〉(Oral)
Freitas D., Manthilake G. Andrault. D (2017). Caractérisation des matériaux aux conditions extrèmes : utilisation du rayonnement synchrotron. 4éme Rencontre des microscopistes clermontois, 05/10/2017, Clermont-Ferrand, France. (oral)
Freitas, G. Manthilake, F. Schiavi, J. Chantel, N. Bolfan-Casanova, M. A. Bouhifd and Andrault D. Mise en évidence de la présence d'un niveau de magma à la base du Manteau supérieur. Journées scientifiques ClerVolc, May 2018, Clermont-Ferrand, France. (oral)
Freitas, G. Manthilake, J., Mohamed A. Bouhifd, and Andrault D. Effect of melt content and the melt texture on sound wave velocity and electrical conductivity Simultaneous measurements of electrical conductivity and seismic velocity of partially molten geological materials: Effect of evolving melt texture. Congrès Des Doctorants du LMV / POST EMPG, Dec 2018, Clermont-Ferrand, France. (Poster)
Freitas D., Manthilake G. Andrault. D (2017). Confirmation expérimentale de la fusion partielle du manteau terrestre profond. CNRS.
Freitas D. (2018). Une équipe scientifique clermontoise a confirmé une théorie sur la fusion du manteau terrestre - Ils ont percé l'un des secrets de la Terre. La Montagne (Press). Edition du Puy de Dôme. Lundi 1er janvier, P 6.
Freitas D., G Manthilake, F. Schiavi, D. Andrault. TV report on 2017 Nat.Com. publication. France 3 Auvergne. 16/01/2018 and 17/01/2018.
Freitas D. (2018). Des roches, du magma, la vie. Semeur hébdo (Press). 23/02/2018, P48.
Freitas D. (2018). Connaitre l’intimité de la Terre. La Montagne (Press). Edition du Puy de Dôme. 23/01/2018.
Invited laboratory seminars:
Freitas D et al., (2023): 4D In situ characterisation of (geo)materials at extreme conditions. UPPA (Pau) & DMEX.
Freitas D et al., (2022): In situ characterisation of physico-chemical properties of (geo)materials at extreme conditions. Expertimental devision at ALBA synchrotron.
Freitas D et al., (2020): Dehydration melting atop the 410-km discontinuity and its implications on Earth’s upper mantle structure and chemistry. CSEC and school of Geosciences (Edinburgh).
Freitas D et al., (2020): Dehydration melting atop the 410-km discontinuity and its implications on Earth’s upper mantle structure and chemistry. IMPMC (Paris).
Research interests
Damien is a Research Fellow at Extremes dealing with the development of high pressure and high temperature experimental devices for national facilities. They allow is situ measurements of indirect physical observables or direct visualisation with synchrotron imaginging techniques. He is particularly interested in 4D characterisation of reacting and deforming rocks, subsurface resources and engineering, and reactive materials.
My collaborations
National facilities such as synchrotron light sources and Neutron sources:
Diamond Light Source, Swiss Light Source, Soleil, Advanced Photon Source etc.
University of Edinburgh, University of Utrecht, University of Liverpool, University of Florence, University of Strasbourg and more...
Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals
In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):
Education/Academic qualification
Doctor of Philosophy, The transport properties of Earth’s upper mantle materials: insights from in situ HP-HT experiments., Universite de Clermont-Ferrand I
1 Oct 2016 → 12 Dec 2019
Award Date: 12 Dec 2019
Master of Earth Science, Experimental evidences for a partial melting atop the 410 km Mantle Transition Zone, Universite de Clermont-Ferrand I
Sept 2014 → Jun 2016
Bachelor of Science, Earth Science, Universite de Clermont-Ferrand I
Sept 2010 → Jun 2013
External positions
PDRA, University of Edinburgh
15 Mar 2020 → 1 Mar 2023
Areas of expertise
- QE Geology
- Experimental petrology
- High pressure experiments
- Structural geology
- Georessource
- In situ instrumentation
- QC Physics
- Mineral physics
- material science
- Synchrotron techniques
- 1 Similar Profiles
- 1 Active
UoMaH: The University of Manchester at Harwell
Lawrence, J. (PI), Burnett, T. (PI), Baker, M. (Researcher), Eastwood, D. (Researcher), Falkowska, M. (Researcher), Freitas, D. (Researcher), Hunt, S. (Researcher), Khan, A. (Researcher), Lane, H. (Researcher), Ma, L. (Researcher), Mirihanage, W. (Researcher), Parlett, C. (Researcher), Yan, K. (Researcher), Reinhard, C. (Support team), Duggins, D. (Technical team), Lewis-Fell, J. (Technical team), Nonni, S. (Technical team), Rollings, B. (Technical team), Sinclair, L. (Technical team) & Batts, S. (Support team)
1/01/18 → …
Project: Other